Friday, February 08, 2013

Tummy Time, Taping, and Round Table

The Willis family let us borrow this fun snail.  I think it has improved Esther's tummy time.  She can see herself in the mirror and big brother happily hops around the room to make the snail wiggle and thus produce music for both of them creating a wonderful tummy time environment.  

My friend Karen gave us these adorable Valentine pj's!  It seems to take several photos before I can convince Esther to smile for me while having my phone/camera in front of my face.  However, multiple people have said that she gives her mommy the best I'm happy!

Today we began putting up painters tape to add PINK to Esther's bedroom.  Our plan is to add a pink band around the room.  I wanted to see the height and width options before I officially taped around the room.  We put two horizontal lines to show the height and width we were considering and Isaiah walked into the room and thought we were in the process of making an I for Isaiah.  So we entertained him and used the painters tape to write Isaiah.  Then he requested we write Campbell's (his cousin) name on the wall.  Travis said no, but that he would write Esther since it is her bedroom.  Isaiah was happy with that and helped Daddy spell Esther.  Although when he finished Esther, Isaiah did ask for Campbell again. What can we say...he LOVES his cousins!  Daddy had deemed his painters tape "Daddy's Art Work"! Isaiah thought it was great and even enjoyed climbing in Esther's crib so that he could be close and touch the letters.  A week later the names are still in the room and Isaiah still goes in and spells their names and LOVES it.



While Isaiah was hanging out in the crib I decided to put Esther in too so brother and sister could hang out together.  They loved was so cute!  Isaiah was gentle and allowed Esther to touch him. They both had fun just looking at each other.

 I think I have the cutest kids! 

And this all occurred before noon.  Then Isaiah and I went with Nonna to Woodburn Outlet Mall for the afternoon.  Later we met up with Travis and Esther who picked up Pops from the bus and we all enjoyed a yummy dinner at Round Table Pizza (Esther's first trip).

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