Tuesday, January 12, 2016

New Years Eve Friends Hang Out 12-31

We have done friends New Years Hang Out since before kids, however we have missed the last couple with sickness and travel.  It was fun to hang out with everyone again this year.  Sarah and Josh hosted us this year.  We made pizza and brownie sundaes.  The kids watched Inside Out and the adults played games-mostly Balderdash which is not my favorite though.

The big girls were excited to have matching jammies, but they were also all glad they had footy pjs!

Here is the kids crew...All excited about watching the movie!

After the movie we put the kids to bed.  Esther slept with the girls and fell asleep quickly.  Isaiah tried to sleep with the boys, but was having a hard time falling asleep so he moved to Sarah's room and listened to some music.  He eventually fell asleep too.

Here is the adults photo from the evening! 

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