Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amazing Korean Man

On Monday evening Isaiah and I went to dinner with Nonna and Pops at Subway before going to look at a house in Newberg and property in Newberg.  While we were at Subway there was also some Asian people dining in the restaurant.  Unfortunately, I am still not very good at telling whether someone is Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc.  I have to admit that I was drawn to watch them and listen to their language.  I noticed that one of the men in the group was also drawn to watch us.  After the man walked by us several times he decided to stop and talk to ended up being perfect time as we were just finishing our dinner so Isaiah wasn't distracted from eating. 

Here were the highlights from our conversation (perhaps not in the exact order it occurred, but pretty close.)  The man asked if Isaiah was a boy or girl.  I think it is obvious that he is a boy, but I kindly said boy.  Then he reached out and touched Isaiah's cheek and said, "he hoped he lead a happy and healthy life" was such a sweet blessing for him to give Isaiah.  He said he looked very strong.  He also asked where Isaiah was from and I said, South Korea.  He responded by saying, "Oh my country!"  He asked my parents if they had been to South Korea, and they got to say yes that they had traveled with us to get Isaiah.  My mom said it was such a blessing to go to Korea and that it was such a gift to have Isaiah.  The man then said, "thank you for adopting him."

We learned that this man and his family were in the states to attend his son's high school graduation, but before the graduation they were seeing the west and golfing. Wow, it was so amazing to get to speak with this Korean man!  He was so kind and loving to Isaiah and our family.  I was so impressed with how Isaiah did too...he let the Korean man touch his cheek and neck a LOT, and only at the very end did he say no (and I am hoping that the man didn't really hear him as it was said softly).   

What a reminder of how much I love the Korean culture...people are so genuine!  It makes me want to travel to Korea again...soon!  I hope we raise Isaiah to be a gentle and kind young man. 

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