Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Homemade Christmas Ornaments

Earlier in December we bought a kit (from Bed, Bath, and Beyond) to help us make a homemade Christmas ornament of Isaiah's hand print.

First, you had to get the material soft (the material was a little like play dough, but not sticky at all).  Then, we rolled the material out on our cutting board.

Next, we let Isaiah press his hand into the soft material. 
We obviously had to help him some too.
Here is his hand print at age 2!
Finally, we put a plastic strip around the material to form a circle mold.  We took the extra material past the circle off and then let it dry for a couple of days.

We made two so when he gets older he can take one and we will still have one.  They didn't turn out as amazing as I had hoped, but they are still pretty cool.  The material they were made of kind of peels apart so the edges are a little more bumpy.  I guess that is what you get for homemade Christmas ornaments...hard for a perfectionist to accept!

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