Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Not so Perfect Way to Start a Monday Morning

Monday of this week I began my allergy shots.  I went to Kaiser first thing Monday morning so that I could get it over with and then enjoy the rest of the day with Travis (who had taken the day off) and Isaiah.  I found out that I have to pay $5.00 every time I go in to get my allergy shots.  I also found out I have to get 2 shots (one in my right arm and one in left arm each time).  The shots didn't hurt too bad and I didn't have any reactions.    
No reaction on the right arm
No reaction on the left arm

Right now I am going in twice a week to get allergy shots.  I can either go Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday.  I picked Monday/Thursday as my schedule.  And since I am behind on my blogging (and it is already Thursday) I will let you know that I went in for my 2 shots this afternoon and again no reactions.  Yeah, that means I can keep increasing the dose and making progress!  One week of allergy shots down, and only 3 to 6 more years to go...ah, not a good thought.

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