Sunday, August 15, 2010

Love for Books

We have a box of books downstairs next to Isaiah's toy chest and a box of books upstairs in our bedroom.  He frequently chooses to read books over playing toys.

He likes to be read to and he likes to read books by himself.

Earlier this week I was getting ready in my bathroom and he was playing in our bedroom.  I was continually checking in on him and one time I peeked out and this is what I saw...
Isaiah got his beach ball, book, and himself into the rocking chair without any help!  That itself is a physical accomplishment for our little guy.  But then to find him with the book open (and with the cover up) and his arm around his beach ball- I was impressed.  Luckily my camera was upstairs so I could capture this photo.  I think he was reading to his ball!  Is this cute or what?

My #1 blog reading fan, Emily, who recently started her own blog and I have noticed that at the end of her posts she asks questions so that people will comment on all her hard work from them post.  So, I will give it a try... what was your favorite board book as a child, or what is your favorite board book to read to your children now?


Brad & Emily said...

I don't think they had board books when we were little...if they did I don't rememebr which was my favorite.
HOWEVER I do love reading books to toddlers that have flaps/hidden things you have to find or textured things to touch and feel.

Rhonda said...

I love reading your blog! You do such a good job. Gabriel's favorite book right now is "The Belly Button Book" by Sandra Boynton. I just found out on her website you can order a book with your child's picture and personalize it. It's called "You're Not a Cow". I hope to order it for Gabriel's first birthday. Keep up the good work on the blog!