Monday, January 25, 2016

Isaiah Lost Tooth #5 January 16, 2016

Isaiah has mentioned that he has a couple wiggly teeth. He never wants us to wiggle them and he barely shows us how loose they really are until its time for them to come out.  We have seen his hands in his mouth wiggling his tooth and eating has become more of a challenge.  Well I guess today was the day...he lost tooth number 5!  He took his tooth out right at the end of dinner.
He was so proud!

We took him to Jem 100 to get a milkshake treat.  While we were there
our friends Pete, Linsey, Will, and Lincoln came to have some dinner.
It was fun to have them share in Isaiah's tooth loss excitement!

Here is Will checking in on us!


Nonna and Pops got to come too!  They had already been at our
house for dinner so they got included on the fun celebrating too!

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