Saturday, January 09, 2016

Children's Museum and Zoo 9-4

We were planning to go to the zoo today.  We found out that the Willis family was planning to go to the Children's Museum.  We decided to change our plans and join them first and then do our plans of the zoo.  They modified their plans too and joined us at the zoo.  It was a super fun day for the cousins!

Isaiah immediately went to the check out the fire!  He remembered it and loves it so much.

Esther always takes a bit to warm up at places like this, but her cousins helped today.

This was a new room for us... we had never checked out the digging space!
Both kids thought it was great, but Isaiah especially enjoyed it.

Daddy filled his hard hat with rocks, and then took his hat off and made rocks go everywhere and he successfully made Campbell crack up!

Our kids wanted to play in the grocery store area.  They enjoyed this together for a long time!

We found the ambulance! Walk and Stop signs too!

 Meanwhile Esther was in with the Willis Clan doing art things!

Campbell got done doing clay and came to play with Isaiah and I.

Eventually Esther joined too!

Who doesn't want to brush a large alligator's teeth?

Finally we made it to the music room and stage.  Isaiah liked it, but it was causing problems for Greyson so we moved onto other things.

Campbell and Isaiah sure have been loving each other these days!

Done at the Children's Museum and now we are at the Zoo!

Our tour guide!

Horses in the barn!

I love when the polar bears are out and we get to see them

I believe this was can you roar like a bear!

Final pictures before we head home!

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