Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Sick Week!

Backstory...we went to see Josh, Kayla, and Kiara on Friday evening (10/25).  Saturday morning Kayla called to let us know that Kiara had thrown up in the night and had a fever.  Bummer!  We didn't think too much of it though.  Monday, October 28th Isaiah seemed his normal self until after our OT appointment when he seemed to get really sleepy.

October 29-Isaiah is sick!  He woke up with a high high fever and all he wanted to do was lay around.  I even had a hard time convincing him to drink some juice.  Poor Esther was so confused that big brother was laying still and not interested in playing toys with her.  

My poor baby slept a lot!  He kept asking me to hold him in the rocking chair.

After his nap on me I got a smile from him, but he still had no energy!

 Esther wanted to be right with Isaiah!  She sure loves her brother.

I finished off the evening holding my baby and rocking him to sleep before putting him in his bed.

All day we had been giving Isaiah Tylenol since we thought that should be easier on his stomach since he wasn't eating.  However, he kept a pretty high fever most of the day.  By night we finally switched to Motrin and finally his fever went down a bit.  I guess his body or this sickness liked Motrin better.

October 30- Isaiah is still sick and still sleeping tons!

He drank some juice and ate a few goldfish on the couch...Esther was
 excited to see him sitting up for a bit.

She may have helped herself to some goldfish too!

Mommy with her babies!  

October 31-When one child is being held they both want to be held- at least at my house.

It was hard to entertain Isaiah since he was so sleepy and didn't want to get off the couch or chair.
We definitely watched a few movies (more than I would have liked) and played some iPad.  He
made these fun Jack-O-Lanterns since he was missing all his fun preschool activities.

After a couple fairly sick days for Isaiah he did request to eat his favorite meal...chips and cheese!

 November 2- Travis and Isaiah went to the Toyota dealership this morning.  Then Isaiah
came home exhausted and napped on me for a long time!  We just can 't seem to get better.

Esther and Mommy cuddled while the boys were gone.

Then Mommy cuddled Isaiah once he got home and was tired after his trip out of the house.

November 3- Isaiah crawled into my bed this morning and then slept for another 2 hours.
What! This never happens!

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