Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Almost A Week Vacation at Sunriver!

We checked into our Sunriver house on Saturday, July 13th.  That evening we took the boys for a walk to Fort Rock Park.  They had lots of fun going down the slide-especially in their slick outfits.

Pops took some pictures in the morning on Sunday, July 14th that show the house we rented.

The living room was open to the kitchen and dining room.

The kitchen was really big, but poorly taken care of and wasn't stocked with much.

This was Nonna and Pop's room, but we all used it during the day=)

This loft ended up being an upstairs play area.

This was Dan and Elise and the boy's room.

This was our room for us and the kids.

Right before we were heading out for the day...

Nonna, Pops, Travis, Isaiah, Esther, and I went into Bend to do a little more grocery shopping and go to Family Christian Store (our favorite when we are in town since we don't have one locally).

While at Fred Meyer (out of town) we let Isaiah get his first free cookie from the bakery.  We made sure to do at an out of town Fred Meyer so he wouldn't think we needed to do it every time we go to the one that is within walking distance of our house.  So far it was has worked- he hasn't asked for a cookie at our Fred Meyer.


 Dan, Elise, Campbell, and Greyson went to the SHARC to go swimming!

Monday, July 15th Happenings...

Early morning reading books time with Pops.

Wow, Isaiah successfully yawned in almost every picture...silly boy shouldn't have woken up so early!

Isaiah snuggling on Nonna and Pop's bed while Nonna gets ready.

 Isaiah and Esther hanging out on Nonna and Pop's bed.

  Nonna, Isaiah, and Esther morning snuggles.

Today Nonna and Pops went to the High Desert Museum.

 Dan, Elise, Travis, and I took the kids to Fort Rock Park again.

 Then we went into town and did a few fun activities at the ride the little train!

We went swimming at the SHARC Monday evening, but no pictures.

Tuesday, July 16th Happenings...

Isaiah brought his Count Your Chickens game and taught Campbell how to play.

Tuesday morning we went swimming at the SHARC, but no pictures.

Tuesday evening we met Rachel, Darel, and Claire  (who were beginning a vacation at Eagle Crest) for dinner and then they joined our family for bowling!

Wednesday, July 17th Happenings...

In the morning we went into the village to play again.  We bought a pass so the kids could bounce, do the train, and mini golf. We had a lot of fun!


 After some bouncing we had a picnic lunch.




 This was the kids first time mini was a little challenging, but they had fun!


After mini golf we had an ice cream treat!

And one final train ride...

 This evening we went swimming at the SHARC and this time we took pictures!

 The kids loved watching the Red and Blue dump fall on people!
Somehow Uncle T convinced Campbell to go under the dump!



 Greyson loved playing hoops!

Isaiah really liked the bubbles!


 The lazy river was my favorite part of the SHARC center for sure!

 Campbell was done being on the lazy river at this point...

 And check out how cool this photo became once Pops did a little editing...

I wasn't a huge fan of the slides, but Travis sure had fun! 

Reading books with Nonna is always a good way to end an evening of swimming!

 Thursday, July 18th ...Going Home Day.

Who doesn't give their baby their toiletry bag to look at and be entertained while packing? 

Esther took a quick nap on Daddy before heading home.

Home again!  Time for a few more favorite stories (at our house before Nonna and Pops go home)...

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