Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Water Fountains at Al's Garden Center

On Monday morning I worked in Esther's room putting up the official blue tape...Isaiah asked to write Campbell again so I caved and wasted the tape to entertain him.  As soon as I was done putting up Campbell he, of course, asked for me to add Greyson, so I did.  Then when Greyson was done he asked for me to tape up James... (a boy from his Sunday school class), but that is where I drew the line and said no more names!

Nonna and Pops were in search of some trees for their property.  Isaiah, Esther, and I went with Nonna to Al's Garden Center to help her look for trees.  Actually, we went so Isaiah could be entertained by the water fountains!  He had a blast moving from one fountain to another but his favorite was the huge one (where I took all the pictures).  We successfully helped Nonna find trees and we picked out our favorite three to be delivered later in the week.

Esther wore a cute outfit today (Thanks Puckett Family for letting us borrow it).



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