Monday, October 17, 2011

Travis' 30th Birthday Celebration

Travis turned 30 last Friday.  I had the day off from school and he took the day off to spend his birthday with Isaiah and I.  We started our morning out pretty slow...we slept in, made chocolate muffins for breakfast, and leisurely got ready.  Once we left the house we ran a couple errands, went to lunch at Pastini, got a new iphone from the Apple store, and then headed to the zoo.  Travis thought it would be fun to go to the zoo on his birthday since we went to the zoo on my birthday this year.  The day was PERFECT for a zoo trip.  In the earlier morning/afternoon we had a few raindrops, but once we were at the zoo there was no rain and even better no crowds!  We got to see lots of animals and they were actually doing things...moving as opposed to sleeping.

We ended up opting for no stroller this trip.  We tried to ask Isaiah for his opinion...would you like to ride in the carrier or the stroller?  He just repeated carrier? stroller?  So we made a decision for him.  We went with no stroller because once we get him out of the stroller to see one animal he almost never wants to get back in the stroller.  We also went with the carrier because it was around nap time and he thought he might get comfy and fall such luck!  However, he did GREAT in the carrier.  He could see all the animals and he didn't even ask to get down, until the very end when my back was also hurting and we let him walk to the exit of the zoo.

The goats were out getting a grass snack.

The black bears were even fun to watch!

This bear was at the water bowl for a long was so fun to watch his long tongue lap up the water.
After his big drink he moved to having a grass snack too.

The eagles seemed super close, but this picture makes them look far away still.
Isaiah loved the barn animals.  He mooed at the cows and talked about the sheep and goats.

Isaiah and I had fun watching the giraffes.
Giraffes are still one of my favorite animals.
Our family picture taken by Trav, pretty cute I think.
As we walked to the exit of the zoo we noticed the beautiful fall colors.

These last few pictures were taking of Isaiah being silly at the entrance/exit of the zoo!  He had fun climbing on the animals and rocks.

After the zoo we went to Nonna and Pops house to have broccoli cheese soup and oatmeal bread for dinner.  We had a great family day celebrating Daddy!

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