Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Oops...Almost Forgot to Blog About Halloween

I just realized I never took the Halloween pictures off my camera... so the event almost didn't get a blog post!

Here are the pictures from our evening of fun in McMinville at the Willis Household:

First, we made orange pumpkin shaped pancakes... a little difficult to see the orange coloring in this photo, but they were still tasety.
 Eating breakfast for dinner... my absolute favorite! 
Dan with crazy teeth... and Travis with crazy eyes (I'm not sure what happened to these silly boy!)
Monster Campbell giving his Mommy a kiss!
 The boys playing in the kitchen in their costumes!
 Campbell with his hand in the candy bowl... too bad I had to tell him to do it, but not in a couple years!
 Campbell and Daddy in costume!
Isaiah in costume didn't stop him from playing with trucks!

Next, we went to Trunk-or-Treat at the Willis' church. 
 Isaiah had fun riding in the car and getting to play with his lights necklace from Disneyland this summer.
 He was very interested in studying the lights necklace!
 Family photo...maybe not the greatest-ha!
 Family photo cute...but nothing to frame-ha!
Travis (or Isaiah) I am not sure who was trick-or-treating got a kazoo!  
 Oh, I guess Isaiah was trick-or-treating!
Campbell and Isaiah had a good time at trunk-or-treat.

Then, we went back to the Willis home and passed out candy to the neighborhood trick-or-treating kids.
 Back at the Willis home I gave Isaiah a piece of wrapped candy... he tried to bite right in- I guess he knew it was good stuff!
 Isaiah loved his Kit-Kat!
 He didn't eat it fast enough thought so it started to melt in his hands...and could have meant big mess.
 Dan played his banjo to the kids while we passed out candy!
 Isaiah liked to watch Dan play his banjo more than hand out candy!

1 comment:

Brad & Emily said...

what a cute little duck you have!