James 1:27 says, “Religion that God accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” God desires for orphans of all nations to be loved, cared for, and adopted into Christian families-ultimately so they can become saved, and be adopted into His eternal family through Jesus Christ!
Travis loves the beach and has been asking me if we can go lots recently. We decided to take Isaiah to the beach this past weekend. First, he got to eat lunch at Mo's. We wanted to get a picture that would show he was at Mo's ... so we gave him this bucket to hold, but he treated it like a big cup! Flipping the Mo's bucket is almost as fun as cups! Second, we went for a walk on the beach. We took our first family picture on the beach. We enjoyed watching the beautiful Oregon tides come in as we walked down the shore. Next, we took Isaiah out of the carrier and let him explore the sand. He was so careful with the sand, and no sand went in his mouth! Daddy and Isaiah enjoying the beach. Daddy showing Isaiah how to build a sandcastle. Isaiah looked up at us when we called his name, but no smiles because he was so into the sand experience. Checking out his bucket! Picking sand up and filling the bucket. Still putting sand into the bucket-this kept his attention for a long time! Isaiah was so into the sand that he was not interested in looking at the camera. When I finally got him to look up I think he was thinking...Mom, I am busy!
Finally, we went to the outlet mall to look around a little. We had a great time at the beach and look forward to many more trips to the beach!
Each year we have been married we have celebrated our anniversary by going to the Melting Pot. This year was no different. My parents enjoyed watching Isaiah and Travis and I enjoyed our first date night since we have been parents!
Travis bought me a rose! Travis enjoying chocolate fondue!Travis and I order our Diet Pepsi with a lime slice... each time he got a new drink it came with a skewer of limes...yep, he drank four sodas! After dinner we enjoyed the warm weather and walked along the water front. We also had fun running a couple shopping errands.
I love my husband and I am so glad that year 5 of marriage brought us the joy of becoming parents to our amazing son! I look forward to many more years together.
My college roommate and best friend, Emily, is visiting the states for the summer. Her husband and her have lived and taught in Cairo, but will be moving to Hong Kong at the end of summer for a new teaching position. I had the privilege to get to spend this past Sunday-Thursday with her this week. I can't believe how fast the week went, but we had lots of fun together.
Sunday-We picked up Emily at 4pm.We went to my parent’s house to have dinner with the family.Emily got to see my sister’s little boy Campbell again and watch the cousins play together.
Monday-We went and got pedicures.Isaiah did amazing!He just sat quietly on my lap and enjoyed playing with Emily’s massage remote and his favorite musical white toy.I also had a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon and it was great to have Emily help entertain Isaiah.They had fun running laps in Kaiser.Maybe Isaiah will like the doctor the next time he has to go… probably not!We had nachos for lunch and chicken and rice for dinner.
Tuesday-We went to Target, Panda Express, Costco, and Target again (because Isaiah feel asleep in Costco and we could walk between the stores). We also walked to Fred Meyer so we could make hamburgers for dinner.
Isaiah liked to sit with Emily and watch the dogs eat.
Wednesday-We went to Kohl’s, Round Table, Costco, Old Navy, Famous Footwear, Kaiser (where Isaiah fell asleep in the car), and Walgreens.We walked to Fred Meyer again so we could get the last couple of ingredients to make Bulgogi for dinner.We also bought a fire pit for our backyard (Travis and I have been wanting one for awhile and so we decided to go ahead and get one to enjoy with Emily who loves campfires, but doesn’t get to fit in a camping trip this summer).
Strawberries at Round Table
Bananas at Round Table
Cooking bulgogi!
Isaiah was playing with Emily while I made dinner.
I took a break from cooking and tried to take a couple pictures of Emily and Isaiah... the first one turned out the best.
Emily was trying to get Isaiah to smile and look at the camera.
After several pictures where Isaiah wasn't interested... Emily said ok, the photo shoot is done... just as I got a great face from her.
Isaiah loved having Emily read to him.
Enjoying the fire pit after Isaiah went to bed.
Emily roasting a GIANT marshmallow (we found them at Fred Meyer and thought they looked awesome!)
Happy Roasters!
Deep in concentration...trying to get the best roasted marshmallow.
There was a small learning curve on how to eat these GIANT marshmallows. Notice Emily's nose...need I say more!
Yes, she is licking her hand clean.
Still enjoying the goodness!
I had a learning curve too... as I made my GIANT marshmallow into a smore.
Yes, I am laughing and crying in this picture. It tasted so good, but was very messy!
Yep, still enjoying it
Being a goof... I didn't realize how messy I looked until I saw this picture. Good times!
Getting the final bit of marshmallow from my fingers.
Thursday-We went to George Fox University so Emily could visit old co-workers, we had leftovers for lunch at home, she finally got her long awaited milkshake, and went for a walk around downtown Newberg-we tried to take Isaiah to a park to go swinging (but he fell asleep in the stroller on the way there)-we visited the Newberg Zoo (aka Critter Cabana).I was obviously not well planned with groceries this week because we again walked to Fred Meyer to get one needed item to make stuffed bell peppers for dinner.We tried to get Isaiah to cooperate for a small photo shoot, we went for an evening walk, and around 9 PM we loaded up and drove Emily back to Portland so she could pick up her parents and sister at midnight!
They had pigs at the Newberg Zoo-they were so cute!
Silly Isaiah slept through his first trip to the Newberg Zoo.
Mommy and Isaiah with the cute pigs!
Another crazy critter that we thought was cute.
He was very playful.
Emily liked talking to him.
This was Emily's favorite animal...she wanted to bring the puppy home with her!
Again the first picture of our photo shoot was probably the best... too bad it was hot out and my hair looks a little crazy. I guess we can't have perfection.
Happy boy with his Mommy and Emily.
Emily and Isaiah enjoying the front yard.
No silly tongue action in this picture.
Trying again...my hair wasn't crazy anymore, but Isaiah wasn't really interested. Oh, well still cute!
Isaiah was telling us he was all done!
We had a great visit with Emily. It was a little sad to have to send her onto her next summer adventures, but I am so glad we had a chance to do all that we did! I love you Emily, my number one blogging fan!