Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy EARLY 50th Birthday Aunt DeAnn!

Sunday, June 10th we did an early 50th birthday present/project day for Aunt DeAnn.  We pulled weeds, put down weed barrier, and laid 40 bags or 2,400 lbs of rock into her backyard.  With all the help (DeAnn, Pops, Elise, Dan, Traivs, and I) the job got done pretty quickly...and I didn't have time to take breaks for pictures!

Nonna, Grammy, and Grandad stayed at our house to watch the boys.  All the boys were supposed to be taking a nap...Campbell struggled in falling asleep, but did eventually take a nap.  Isaiah rested, but never fell asleep.  And Greyson wasn't interested in any resting or sleeping time.  So by the time the backyard project was done...he was one tired dude.  Luckily Uncle T was a tired dude too so they eventually convinced each other to rest/sleep.

After the rock project was done a new crew (Grammy, DeAnn, Pops, Elise and Dan) worked inside on recovering Aunt DeAnn's dining room chairs with a new pretty striped fabric.  They got 4 of the 6 chairs recovered!

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