Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sunshine on Saturday April 7th

We took advantage of the sunshine this past weekend and did a little work in our backyard.  We picked up the last of the fall leaves...we have one tree that drops very late..thus leaves still in the yard during spring.  We added fresh dirt to our planter box.  We moved our raspberry starts to give them more space to grow and hopefully produce us lots of fruit this summer and we added a trellis for our raspberry plants.  There is still lots more work to be done in the yard, but this was a good start.

 Normally when we do yard work I don't get my picture when I had my camera out to take the pictures of Isaiah Travis decided he needed to make up for lost pictures.  Basically all those photos just to document me moving dirt within the planter box!

To keep Isaiah busy while Travis and I did the yard work jobs I gave him a bucket of water and a paint brush and told him to paint our wooden fence.  He LOVED it!

I think this activity might need to be used again this spring/summer when we have another day with sunshine!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Great idea with the water painting! We'll have to try that when our weather warms up!