Sunday, June 15, 2014

Children's Museum (3-28)

We thought my sister and her family were going to the Children's Museum.  We got the free Children's Museum pass from the library and then my sister's family decided it was better for them to go a different day.  We still went and had a fabulous time!  Missy, Gabriel, and Allie were able to join us in our adventures!

Here we are checking in and getting hand stamps for fun! 

We have only taken Isaiah here one other time, but he jumped right in on all the fun activities!  
This slide feature was new to us.

Cute kids waiting in line.

We moved to a new section...

Esther wasn't sure why she was still in the stroller...neither were we so we got her out.

Daddy and Isaiah went up above to look down and say hello to Esther and Mommy!

Missy, Gabriel, and Allie saying hi now!

Eventually we ventured upstairs too.  
Esther had fun with those toys and crawling around looking out the windows too.

There were lots of good hiding spaces here!

Since Esther was out of the stroller now, we let her try out the slide too!

Gabriel wasn't thrilled about this tiny fire section, but Isaiah and Allie were impressed!

Daddy was happy to see that there was A-Dec equipment at the Children''s Museum in the dentist section.

It was a good thought to take some group photos... getting the whole group is rough.

Poor Esther...she is there...behind Allie and Isaiah's arms- ha!



Next, we explored the stage area.  Isaiah loved making music!

On to a new section...

Isaiah liked this stop sign... but was also really into his snack!

We didn't explore this section last time we were was awesome!

Somehow we didn't explore the tree house section last time either.

Into the clay room...we did this last time!

Here is the final picture... Isaiah made toast for himself and Esther.  He gets the four bigger pieces and she gets the tiny pieces...just like at home.

Travis made a cow... and it looks like a cow!  
He was pretty proud of himself.

Finally we ventured over to the water section... were everyone had a blast being silly and getting wet!

I guess not everyone... Esther and Daddy waited outside the water area and watched us!

Here are several videos I took while the kids were in the water section.

And a quick final stop at the fire pit before heading home.

After dinner we ended our fun day by getting a treat of frozen yogurt.

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