Saturday, November 02, 2013

Esther on the Move and Playdough (9-20)

Esther is still on the move!
Esther loves looking out the front window by the door...


Another way Esther likes to move is by using the little chairs from our kids table as walkers.

We made some new chocolate smelling playdough.  Isaiah isn't a huge playdough fan, but Travis and I really like playing it so we convince him every now and then that it's fun!  He agrees it's fun if we make all of his requests too!

Here are some feeling pumpkins...worried, sad, happy.



Isaiah's favorite thing to do with playdough is to cut...using a knife means he doesn't have to touch the playdough much...helps with his sensory dislike of playdough (or dirty feeling).

 Esther really wanted to play too!

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