Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Making Grammy's Owl...Round 1 (9-9)

I bought a one dollar owl making kit that what I thought was Perler Beads.  They were actually Melty Beads- and totally not as awesome when it came time to melt the project together.  

Isaiah was happy to help sort the beads, and he was able to help count how many beads I needed of each color, he even placed several beads on the peg board. 

Here is the adorable owl finished on the peg board...before we ruined it.

However, after I used the iron the project was ruined.  It melted unevenly...in fact it melted so much that he melted onto the peg board, which was weird since I followed all the directions precisely.

Later this afternoon Isaiah and I went to his OT appointment.  It is close to a fountain and lake that he enjoys sitting by for a few minutes either before or after his appointment.



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