Friday, September 21, 2012

Preschool Art Projects with the Boys

Nonna is a great preschool teacher so she has lots of fun art project ideas that we can do with the boys.  In preparation for fall we decided to make apples and pumpkins by painting large circles with paint and golf balls in a small swimming pool.  We started by making red apples, then yellow apples, next green apples, and finally orange pumpkins.  Unfortunately, the boys were really only interested with the first color and then the adults finished the other colors.  

Here are the painted red apples.

Then once I brought our colored apple and pumpkin circles home I changed my mind and made them into fall leaves- a decoration that can be up all September, October, and November (and clearly Isaiah wasn't overly interested or upset that his apples and pumpkins turned into leaves)! 

Nonna also brought another fun project that caught the boys least for a few minutes.  She brought styrofoam, golf tees, and small hammers. Campbell stayed interested way longer than Isaiah, but they both had so much fun hammering!

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