Thursday, May 17, 2012

Trial Run with Underwear

Oh...potty training!  The topic of many conversations at our household.  Is Isaiah ready? When should we do it?  How should we do it?

Isaiah has always been pretty willingly to sit on the little potty we have and just recently he had "another" (our 2nd) success.  Although, now I am not sure he meant to have a success, but none the less, it was a successful pee in the potty.  Since Isaiah is so smart I am sure he could figure this all out, but if he isn't interested yet I don't want to be the one doing all the work.  

I recently checked out several kid books about potty training.  Wow, the selections in this topic area are not that impressive.  At least we got them from the library and didn't buy some of these crazy books.  I was hopeful that his love for books might help him love to go potty on his little potty.  We did find a favorite: Diapers Aren't Forever that we read many times before it was time to return the book.  However, no additional success after reading the Diapers Aren't Forever book.  I think he just liked the book because we have another book from the series called Hands Are Not For Hitting (this book has been helpful in reducing unloving hands).  

As I am writing this blog post Isaiah is playing on my i phone.  The app is he is currently playing is a letter flashcards.  This app was recently updated and changed some of its features.  One of the updated features is that it now reads a sentence after saying the letter.  For example "U:  Underwear are useful clothing."  Perfect or what?  

We thought we would do a trial run with underwear just to see what would happen.  Well, the underwear only stayed dry for about 10 minutes!  Luckily he was outside playing so the first accident (of many I'm sure) wasn't too big of a deal.  Other than the mommy clean up was still involved.  So..wait to potty train or mommy train?

However, I do think undies of this boy are pretty cute...

Isaiah is still really enjoying the rocks in the backyard and LOVES being I still have hope that this summer we will master the skill of going potty on the little potty and not in our diaper or underwear.

Isaiah was going crazy running and counting from 1 to 20 while he was trying out the underwear.  Maybe all the activity is what made him pee in his underwear, probably not though.

Better luck next time!

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