Sunday, December 11, 2011

One Special Batch of Christmas Cookies

On November 15th Travis and I mixed up a double batch of chocolate ribbon Christmas cookies.  Since the cooling of the dough, pressing the dough through the cookie press, cooking the cookies, and letting them cooling again takes a while we didn't frost the cookies that evening.  Then next evening, on November 16th, we frosted the cookies.  Isaiah was happy to talk to Nonna and Pops on the phone and eat a chocolate ribbon Christmas cookie while we were busy frosting.

While on the phone Nonna asked if he had gotten to frost a cookie... so the clothes came off and our little helper got busy!

Isaiah frosted a total of one cookie...and then proceeded to eat the cookie he had just finished frosting and decorating.  Silly boy didn't quite get the concept of frosting, decorating, and saving for later.  At least my sweet boy was willing to share his cookie with me!

After his two cookie before bedtime snack he was in a pretty silly mood.  I sure do love him lots and enjoy making Christmas cookie memories with him!

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