Monday, May 10, 2010

First Evening Home

We are home from South Korea!
Isaiah enjoyed his first dinner at home in his high chair. He had banana and strawberries mashed together and puffs. We tried cheese, but he didn't seem to be a huge fan of it yet. We are slowly going to start introducing him to more foods and see what he likes and doesn't like.

Travis and I enjoyed being able to make our own food. Travis made us a quesadilla while I feed Isaiah his meal.

After dinner Sophie came home (she had stayed with my parents dog Abby at their house, but with my grandparents taking care of both dogs). Sophie seemed fairly tired and mellow, which was perfect for introducing her to Isaiah. Isaiah reached out for Sophie and was kind of interested in her.
Sorry this isn't the greatest photo, the first one we took was better except that I had my eyes closed. Ah, picture taking! Travis was trying to get Isaiah to pet Sophie in this photo.

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