Saturday, June 30, 2012

Reptile Man

On Wednesday, June 27 Reptile Man was in Newberg through the public library.  Since I have been working in the mornings the last couple years Isaiah hasn't really been to many library events (story time is always in the morning).  Reptile Man sounded like a fun event so I invited Nonna, Elise, Campbell, and Greyson to join us.  Well, we did ok at the was hot, we were far away from the stage/presentation, and our kids have short attention span/aren't obsessed with reptiles.  So after about 30 minutes (half the program) we kindly slipped out so as not to continue to be the loud program disturbers.  We enjoyed looking at books and playing in the library instead for the second half of the show.

In case you can't tell...those are two tortoises!
It was so hot Campbell wanted water, but Elise only had Greyson's sippy cup- Campbell didn't mind.

In case you can't tell it's a snake!
Super cute that the boy love each other and love hugging, but clearly they weren't into Reptile Man's show!

Another snake!

Greyson started in the stroller, but wanted out.  Isaiah started out, but wanted in the stroller. 

Inside the library the boys had fun playing puzzles!

Greyson had fun practicing his walking skills...he is getting so close!

After Reptile Man and the library we came back to our house for lunch and then Nonna, Elise, Campbell, and Greyson went home.  Isaiah took a nap, then we played at the park, went for a walk, and played in our backyard all before Daddy got home from work.

Here are some pictures from playing in our backyard.

I am thankful for the warmth and sunshine today!

Friday, June 29, 2012

First Farm Berry Picking of the Season

The crop of raspberries we picked from our backyard on Monday was yummy, but small.  On Tuesday, June 26th we went to Koch's Farm to pick more raspberries.  I love picking is such good entertainment for me (and I think Isaiah likes it too).  I could easily go pick berries once (or even more) a week.  I love the process of picking and then the fresh berries to eat for a few days is good too.  I am sure we will be making many more trips to the raspberry farm this summer!

While picking raspberries Isaiah remembered/rediscovered that he liked picking the berries and then eating them instead of picking them and filling our buckets.  Isaiah has been on a no eat fresh fruit kick for some time so I was just excited that he willingly tried the raspberries.  Don't worry as soon as we got home and I offered him a eat raspberry was the response I got.  Wow, this kid is so on his OWN schedule, but I sure do love him!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

We Are Home-Our Full Monday

I figured Isaiah would be happy to sleep in his own bed on Sunday night and that he would sleep in on Monday morning.  I was wrong though, he woke up around 7 and wanted to play with his stuffed animals.  He was tired, but priorities..sleep or toys?

Eating isn't Isaiah's favorite thing ever...but eating while on vacation in new locations and with new people is especially no fun.  He managed, but ate way less than when he is at home.  He proved this theory to be true because on Monday morning (and almost every meal since we have been home) he started loading the hump again.  He ate TWO pieces of toast...toast was rejected all last week and I think I finally figured out why too.  He is very particular  about the foods he is willing to eat so knowing that I had packed our bread and our butter, but I didn't pack our toaster oven and I think that is the difference.  I noticed/missing my toaster oven on vacation too, but I have reasoning skills and just dealt...I guess Isaiah dealt too-he just refused to eat it.


On Monday we unpacked our VBS treat bag and he found this airplane whistle...he is still trying to figure it out, but is doing pretty well.

On Monday morning I tended to our garden and our raspberry crop was in and ready to be picked and eaten! Yum!

I cleaned our floors on Monday too.  Isaiah was happily entertained playing piano for me while I vacuumed and steam mopped.

He studies EVERYTHING...he has his head close so he can listen to the different sounds.

We went to Fred Meyer to get a few groceries with Nonna, had lunch with Nonna, and then Isaiah and I went to Target and Costco.  On our way home from our shopping errands a certain little one was sleepy.  Luckily he feel asleep in the car and let me transfer him to his bed once we got home and continued to sleep until about 6pm (so between a 2 and 3 hour nap).

Monday evening we signed papers to refinance our house.  This is our THIRD time since buying the house six years ago.  Crazy!  We started at 7, went to 6, then 5, and now at just under 4 and we are so thankful to be saving a little extra money each month.

After signing papers we went to Nonna and Pops to have dinner with them, Aunt DeAnn, Grammy, Grandad, and Uncle Chuck.  It was great to visit with everyone and dinner was super yummy!  Mom and Aunt DeAnn made a new recipe-a pasta and veggie dish.  Once I get a copy of the recipe I will have to post it so others can try this delicious goodness!

Monday was also our official 7 year anniversary- so we had ate ice cream bars together in the evening!    I love my life with this man and the family we have together.  Looking forward to years 8...9..10 and more!