James 1:27 says, “Religion that God accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” God desires for orphans of all nations to be loved, cared for, and adopted into Christian families-ultimately so they can become saved, and be adopted into His eternal family through Jesus Christ!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Please TC Tomorrow!
Chairs Recovered

Thanks everyone for all your help! We love our family.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Stocking the Freezer
Some of the things on my list this past weekend were a few grocery items that I needed in order to stock the freezer.
On Monday morning I made a double batch of meatloaf. Here is the recipe I used.
Dan Willis’ Balsamic Meatloaf
3 T olive oil
1 large zucchini, finely diced 2 pounds ground beef
1 red bell pepper, finely diced 1 C bread crumbs
1 yellow pepper, finely diced ½ C grated Parmesan cheese
5 cloves garlic, pressed or 1 cup ketchup, divided
smashed to a paste ¼ C plus 2 T balsamic vinegar
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 T finely chopped fresh thyme leaves
Preheat oven to 425o F.
Heat the oil in a large saute pan over high heat. Add the zucchini, peppers, garlic, and salt and pepper to taste. Cook until almost soft, about 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
Whisk together the eggs and thyme in a large bowl. Add the meat, bread crumbs, cheese, 1/2 cup of the ketchup, 2 TB of the balsamic vinegar, and the cooled vegetables, and mix until just combined.
Mold the meatloaf in a glass pan. (This recipe could ruin a metal pan.) Line with aluminum foil for easier cleanup. Whisk together the remaining ketchup and balsamic vinegar in a small bowl.
Spoon some of the mixture over the entire loaf. Bake the meatloaf for 1 to 1.25 hours. Remove from the oven and let rest for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with remaining ketchup/balsamic mixture.
On Tuesday morning I made spaghetti sauce. Here is the recipe I used.
Spaghetti Sauce
4 (14oz) cans diced tomatoes-crush with hand blender
4 (15oz) cans tomato sauce
4 (6oz) cans tomato paste
2 bay leaves
1 t salt
¾ t pepper
1 T dried oregano-crush in hand or with mortar and pestle
3 T dried parsley-crush in hand or with mortar and pestle
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
Saute’ onion and garlic in olive oil. Cook all ingredients in a crock-pot all day.
On Wednesday morning I cooked ground beef, added chopped vegetables, and taco seasoning.
We now have a stocked freezer. Come on travel call!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Embassy Appearance
We found out this morning that Isaiah has made his Embassy Appearance (EA). DC can see his picture! Many families get a travel call just a few days after EA. I hope we will be in Korea soon!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Special Saturday Project
Weekend To-Do List
Friday Night Fun

After the show we swung by Safeway to get some ice cream. While we were there my sister found diapers on a really good sale AND she remembered that cereal was on sale. Here is a picture of our EXCITEMENT about good deals!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
New Recipe
* 1 3/4 cup flour
* 1 tsp baking powder
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 1 tsp baking soda
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 1/4 cup brown sugar
* 1 egg
* 1/3 cup of vegetable oil
* 1/2 cup of vanilla yogurt
* 1 tsp vanilla extract
* 2 large, very ripe bananas
* 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat a muffin tray with cooking spray. In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, salt, baking soda, white sugar and brown sugar until well combined. In another bowl, mix the egg, oil, yogurt, vanilla and mushed bananas until mixed thoroughly. Slowly combine the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients without over mixing. Add the chocolate chips and fold them into the batter. Bake for 20-22 minutes or until golden brown and a tester inserted into the muffin comes out clean. Cool on a rack then serve with butter. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Sample of Pororo cartons that Isaiah LOVES!
Here is a short story video I found that has English subtitles included so we can know what we are watching!
Happy 16 Month Birthday!
Today, on his 16 month birthday we got an email with a Progress Report attached. This is our first one! A Progress Report is when a social worker (in Korea, not our local ones) goes to the foster families home and observes/interviews the family. Then we get a detailed report of the visit. Here is a copy of some things we learned about Han-gyeol...
Walks holding on to furniture. Walks well without support. Sits down if the foster mother helps him put on shoes. Throws a toy he is playing with. Uses both hands well. Opens a drawer and takes things out. Likes motion or sound-making toys. If his name is called or he hears something, he turns head and looks at you or it. Shakes his body like he dances when he is happy or music comes from TV. Closely watches TV cartoons (titled PORORO) and nursery programs.
Here is a picture from (http://www.pororo.net/en/index.html) of Pororo the Little Penguin and his friends.

Plays pat-a-cake. Makes similar sounds of um-ma and a-bba. Understands simple sentences adults say. If not allowed to do, he stops doing and looks at you. Has well-digested bowel movements twice daily. Takes 240cc of milk based formula four times daily and 200ml of fresh milk twice daily. Eats 2 or 3 spoonfuls of rice mixed with bean paste soup or beef stew (not seasoned with much salt). For side dishes, eats tofu, egg, cheese, and fried potato. If fed sliced bananas, apples, strawberries, and tangerines. Enjoys yogurt, soft cookies, and baby food. Sleeps throughout the night from 10:30 pm until 7:00 am. Sleeps rolling over. During sleep, goes to a cool place and kicks his covers off. Sleeps much better if it is quiet and dark. Naps for one hour twice in the afternoon if it is quiet. Doesn’t fuss when sleepy. Sleeps well if the foster mother hugs and pats him. Has four upper and four lower teeth. The foster mother brushes his teeth. Doesn’t enjoy bath time; since he fusses when his clothes are taken off, he needs to be soothed; however, he appears refreshed and quiets down when his clothes are put on. Is a bit shy with strangers but easily warms up to them. Enjoys outdoor activities. Loves to be hugged or carried on the foster mother’s back. When looking into a mirror, smiles and wants to touch it. If the foster family comes home, he welcomes them.
I love my little guy more and more each day! I am praying we get to travel soon.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Beco Baby Carrier

- newborn to toddler (7-45 lbs/3.5 - 20 kg)
- front and back carry
- easy On and OFF features
- high quality tested materials
- machine washable
- DVD instructions included
- made in USA and China
- body 13" wide x 16" tall
- shoulder straps 23" (can be adjusted up to 22" LONGER for a total of 45")
- waist belt 28"(size 0) can be adjusted up to 57"
- weight capacity of the carrier: 7-45 lbs
- weight of the carrier: 1.8 lbs
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Story Time
Well last night Travis went upstairs first and then I was followed soon after. Now realize Travis never mentioned getting back at me. He typically isn't like that.. well guess what... Travis yelled AH! when I got to the top of the stairs. It totally scared me. I screamed and started crying immediately. After he hugged me and I calmed down we were able to go to bed. We laughed and said we were glad we got that out of your system before Isaiah comes home. As our reactions would have totally woke him up.
Oh the joys of being married and having silly moments together. What a great reminder of how much I love my husband!
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Coloring Easter Eggs
What happens after EP approval...
Travel Certificate- Holt Korea will apply to the Ministry of Foreign affairs for the travel certificate after the EP has been approved. This typically takes about a week to gain the approval.
Visa Physical Exam- This is done by an outside Doctor and has to be done after the EP and travel certificate have been issued.
P3-The packet that Holt-Korea submits into the Embassy for the one way travel visa. This packet contains; I600, I864, birth/marriage/divorce certificates of adoptive parents, 1040, W2, legal document of child, vaccination certificate, visa physical examination, medical acceptance letter (if needed), photo of child and IR4. This takes 5-8 business days to be approved.
VI- Visa Interview-The foster families now have to physically take the children down to the Embassy for a visa interview. This happens after the paperwork has been submitted into the Embassy.
Final steps to prepare for travel- a pre-flight report is given to all families and contains important information such as eating, sleeping and other things to help with the transition.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Statements about Me...
2. I don't especially love the act of house cleaning.
3. I tend to clean house to reduce my stress.
4. Even though I don't love the act of cleaning, I still do it. My favorite house chore is laundry. My least favorite is cleaning bathrooms and refrigerators.
5. I do a lot of surface upkeep cleaning, but I am not as good at regular deep cleaning. My mom is much better at regular deep cleaning than me.
To be honest the whole lack of EP approval and worry that the ministry might be closed has created some stress for me. Yesterday I broke down and did my two least favorite cleaning chores. I deep cleaned my refrigerator and part of our bathroom (I still have the floors and shower to finish).
Did doing these cleaning projects make me feel better? Not really, but I am enjoying that things are clean in my house.