We went to Madras this weekend to celebrate Travis' mommy's birthday. Her birthday isn't for a couple more weeks, but this was the weekend that we were all available to get together and celebrate.
I had no school on Friday because I had done parent-teacher conferences from 8-8 on Thursday and Travis took off the day so we got to leave town by early afternoon. We stopped by his parents house for a quick hello and then we went to visit Jesse and Amy St. John and we got to meet baby Analise.

Travis had fun holding her. Just before I took this picture she had her hand on her head like she was thinking. Silly girl likes to keep her arms up.

I had fun holding her too. She kind of has crazy eyes in this picture, poor baby is trying to focus on something.

Analise was in a very good mood on Friday night. She was super sleepy, but her parent's say that is her normal schedule! We were so excited when she woke up and we could take pictures of her with her eyes open. She is beautiful!

On Friday evening we gave Travis' mom a really nice set of knives for her birthday. She was very excited about them. On Saturday when she made breakfast for us she tried our three or four of the different knives. I think she liked the gift!
On Saturday we went to Steel Head Falls for a short hike. Here are a few of the pictures I took on our hike.

As we walked down the trail this is what we saw to the right. I loved the rock formations.

A small rapid before we got to the falls.

Steel Head Falls

Travis, his dad, and Sophie enjoying the beautiful waterfall.

Travis and I standing in front of Steel Head Falls.

His parents standing in front of Steel Head Falls.

Josh and Kayla sitting in front of Steel Head Falls.

Sophie giving me a kiss!

Travis and Sophie taking a rest.

There were really any great rock caves for me to climb into and get my picture taken since that is kind of a tradition for me... this was the best I could do in fulfilling that tradition.

Kayla made pumpkin bars for the family. My family is so funny... everyone kept going to the pan and cutting off a tiny bite and eating it. They thought that 100 small bites was different than actually eating a couple bigger pieces. Silly family!

As you can see this was a huge hit... half the pan is already gone!

I made chicken curry for dinner. It was very yummy! It was a great Halloween meal since it is a fairly orange meal!